Professional consultations through a neurodiversity-affirming lens

For Clinicians
Ruth provides clinical consultation to service providers who are supporting neurodivergent clients of all ages. The content of these consultations vary according to the needs of the client and their care team; all recommendations are individualised, and aligned with the neurodiversity-affirming paradigm.
Typically, the team or agency provides an overview of the client’s needs and history, one week before the consultation date, and goals for the consultation are collaboratively generated. When multiple service providers are involved, it is recommended that all are present to participate in the consultation.
Consultations are available in person or virtually, depending on the specific situation and desired outcomes.

For Educators
As the efficacy and importance of the neurodiversity-affirming paradigm receives recognition, educators are increasingly interested in understanding how to support autistic/neurodivergent students throughout the school day. Ruth provides educational consultation to public and private schools, in support of neurodivergent students of all ages and their teachers.
The content of educational consultations vary according to the needs of the student and the school team. At the discretion of the school, parents/caregivers are welcome to participate in school consultations.
All learning and school-related recommendations are individualised, and aligned with the neurodiversity-affirming paradigm. Typically, the school provides an overview of the student’s needs and history in advance of the consultation.
Consultations are available in person or virtually, depending on the specific situation.
IMPORTANT: Educational consultations are only available in schools where a neurodiversity-affirming clinician has provided staff training within the previous 5 years. For information on training, see Clinical Training Seminars.

"The most interesting people you’ll find are ones that don’t fit into your average cardboard box. They’ll make what they need. They’ll make their own boxes."
– Dr. Temple Grandin